Regulations Listed by Act
This page lists Acts in alphabetical order - linked to a list of active regulations under each Act. Only Acts that have regulations made under them are listed.
The Nova Scotia regulation number ("N.S. Reg.") of the regulations, or of the most recent amendment to the regulations, is listed beneath the regulation title.
We post notice of new regulations and amendments (including new N.S. Reg. numbers) as soon as possible after filing, but the text of the new or newly consolidated regulations is not available until after the new regulations or amendments are published in the Royal Gazette Part II. Please contact us by e-mail with any questions about specific regulations.
Please note: we distribute Nova Scotia regulations only, not the Acts. Go to the Legislative Counsel website for the text of Acts (statutes) and bills.
Click a letter for a list of Acts beginning with that letter, then click on the name of the Act to link to the regulations list (Only Acts with regulations are listed) | ||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

- Accessibility Act
- Adoption Information Act
- Adoption Records Act
- Adult Capacity and Decision-making Act
- Adult Learning Act
- Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act
- Agricultural Marshland Conservation Act
- Agricultural Weed Control Act
- Agriculture and Marketing Act
- Agriculture and Rural Credit Act
- Alternative Penalty Act
- Amusement Devices Safety Act
- Animal Health and Protection Act
- Animal Protection Act
- Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival Act
- Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act
- Architects Act
- Arts Council Act
- Assessment Act
- Assets Management and Disposition Act
- Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority Act
- Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Act

- Beaches Act
- Bee Industry Act
- Body Armour Control Act
- Builders' Lien Act
- Building Code Act
- Business Electronic Filing Act

- Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (NS) Act
- Canadian Forces Reservists Protection Act
- Canadian Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
- Cannabis Control Act
- Cemetery and Funeral Services Act
- Change of Name Act
- Child Pornography Reporting Act
- Children and Family Services Act
- Chiropractic Act
- Civil Forfeiture Act
- Civil Service Act
- Civil Service Collective Bargaining Act
- Collection and Debt Management Agencies Act
- Combat Sports Authority Act
- Communications and Information Act
- Community Easements Act
- Community Economic Development Fund Act
- Community Interest Companies Act
- Companies Act
- Condominium Act
- Conflict of Interest Act
- Conservation Easements Act
- Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Act
- Consumer Creditors' Conduct Act
- Consumer Protection Act
- Consumer Reporting Act
- Continuing Care Assistants Registry Act
- Co-operative Associations Act
- Corporation Capital Tax Act
- Corporations Registration Act
- Correctional Services Act
- Corrections Act
- Cosmetology Act
- Costs and Fees Act
- Counselling Therapists Act
- Court and Administrative Reform Act
- Court Houses and Lockup Houses Act
- Court Officials Act
- Credit Union Act
- Crop and Livestock Insurance Act
- Crown Lands Act

- Dairy Industry Act
- Dangerous Goods Transportation Act
- Degree Granting Act
- Dental Act
- Dental Hygienists Act
- Dental Technicians Act
- Denturists Act
- Dietitians Act
- Direct Sellers' Regulation Act
- Dismantling Racism and Hate Act
- Dispensing Opticians Act
- Divorce Act (Canada)
- Domestic Violence Intervention Act

- Early Learning and Child Care Act
- Education Act
- Elections Act
- Electrical Installation and Inspection Act
- Electricity Act
- Elevators and Lifts Act
- Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act
- Emergency "911" Act
- Emergency Management Act
- Employment Support and Income Assistance Act
- Endangered Species Act
- Energy Resources Conservation Act
- Energy-efficient Appliances Act
- Enforcement of Canadian Judgments and Decrees Act
- Engineering Profession Act
- Environment Act
- Equity Tax Credit Act
- Expropriation Act

- Fair Drug Pricing Act
- Fair Registration Practices Act
- Family Court Act
- Family Orders Information Release Act
- Farm Practices Act
- Farm Registration Act
- Fatality Investigations Act
- February Holiday Act
- Finance Act
- Fire Safety Act
- Fish Harvester Organizations Support Act
- Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act
- Flea Markets Regulation Act
- Forests Act
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- French-language Services Act
- Fur Industry Act

- Gaming Control Act
- Gas Distribution Act
- Gunshot Wounds Mandatory Reporting Act
- Gypsum Mining Income Tax Act

- Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge Commission Act
- Halifax Regional Municipality Charter
- Health Authorities Act
- Health Protection Act
- Health Services and Insurance Act
- Heritage Property Act
- Highway 104 Western Alignment Act
- Homemakers' Services Act
- Homes for Special Care Act
- Hospitals Act
- House of Assembly Management Commission Act
- Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act
- Housing Nova Scotia Act
- Housing Supply and Services Act
- Human Rights Act

- Imitation Dairy Products Act
- Income Tax Act
- Industrial Loan Act
- Insurance Act
- Insurance Premiums Tax Act
- Interim Residential Rental Increase Cap Act
- Interior Designers Act
- Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act
- Interpretation Act
- Interprovincial Subpoena Act
- Intestate Succession Act
- Intimate Images and Cyber-protection Act
- Invest Nova Scotia Act
- Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act


- Labour Board Act
- Labour Standards Code
- Land Registration Act
- Land Surveyors Act
- Land Titles Clarification Act
- Language Schools Act
- Legal Aid Act
- Libraries Act
- Limited Partnerships Act
- Liquor Control Act
- Livestock Health Services Act
- Lobbyists' Registration Act

- Maintenance Enforcement Act
- Mandatory Testing and Disclosure Act
- Margarine Act
- Marine Renewable-energy Act
- Maritime Link Act
- Marketable Titles Act
- Marriage Act
- Massage Therapist Titles Protection Act
- Meat Inspection Act
- Medal of Bravery Act
- Medical Act
- Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Professionals Act
- Medical Laboratory Technology Act
- Medical Professional Corporations Act
- Members' Retiring Allowances Act
- Midwifery Act
- Mi'kmaq Education Act
- Mineral Resources Act
- Mines Act
- Missing Persons Act
- Mortgage Regulation Act
- Motor Carrier Act
- Motor Vehicle Act
- Municipal Elections Act
- Municipal Government Act
- Municipal Grants Act
- Municipal Hospitals Loan Act

- Natural Products Act
- NewPage Port Hawkesbury Pension Plans Act
- Non-essential Pesticides Control Act
- Non-resident Deed Transfer and Property Taxes Act
- North Queens Nursing Home Act
- Nursing Act

- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Occupational Therapists Act
- Off-highway Vehicles Act
- Offshore Petroleum Royalty Act
- Oil Refineries and L.N.G. Plants Municipal Taxation Act
- Ombudsman Act
- Optometry Act
- Order of Nova Scotia Act

- Parenting and Support Act
- Partnership Act
- Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act
- Patient Access to Care Act
- Patient Safety Act
- Pay Equity Act
- Pension Benefits Act
- Personal Directives Act
- Personal Health Information Act
- Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act
- Personal Property Security Act
- Petroleum Products Pricing Act
- Petroleum Resources Act
- Petroleum Resources Removal Permit Act
- Pharmacy Act
- Physiotherapy Act
- Pipeline Act
- Police Act
- Police Identity Management Act
- Police Services Act
- Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act
- Potato Industry Act
- Prescription Monitoring Act
- Primary Forest Products Marketing Act
- Prisons and Reformatories Act (Canada)
- Private Career Colleges Act
- Private Investigators and Private Guards Act
- Private Investment Holding Companies Act
- Private Sector Pension Plan Transfer Act
- Probate Act
- Property Valuation Services Corporation Act
- Protection for Persons in Care Act
- Provincial Court Act
- Provincial Parks Act
- Psychologists Act
- Public Archives Act
- Public Highways Act
- Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act
- Public School Administrators Employment Relations Act
- Public Sector Compensation (1994-97) Act
- Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Act
- Public Sector Compensation Restraint Act
- Public Service Act
- Public Service Superannuation Act
- Public Services Sustainability (2015) Act
- Public Trustee Act
- Public Utilities Act [see also: Utility and Review Board Act]

- Railways Act
- Real Estate Trading Act
- Reciprocal Enforcement of Custody Orders Act
- Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act
- Region of Windsor and West Hants Municipality Act
- Registered Barbers Act
- Registry Act
- Regulated Health Professions Act
- Regulated Health Professions Network Act
- Regulations Act
- Rental Property Conversion Act
- Research Nova Scotia Corporation Act
- Residential Tenancies Act
- Respiratory Therapists Act
- Retail Business Designated Day Closing Act
- Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act
- Revenue Act
- Road Trails Act

- Safe Body Art Act
- Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act
- Safer Needles in Healthcare Workplaces Act
- Sales Tax Act
- Scalers Act
- Securities Act
- Senior Citizens' Property Tax Rebate Act
- Service Dog Act
- Sherbrooke Restoration Commission Act
- Short-term Rentals Registration Act
- Small Claims Court Act
- Smoke-free Places Act
- Snow Sport Helmet Act
- Social Assistance Act
- Societies Act
- Special Places Protection Act
- Student Aid Act
- Summary Proceedings Act
- Surplus Crown Property Disposal Act
- Sydney Steel Corporation Sale Act

- Tanning Beds Act
- Teachers' Collective Bargaining Act
- Teachers' Pension Act
- Teachers' Professional Agreement and Classroom Improvements (2017) Act
- Technical Safety Act
- Theatres and Amusements Act
- Time Definition Act
- Tobacco Access Act
- Trade Union Act
- Trails Act
- Trust and Loan Companies Act

- Underground Hydrocarbons Storage Act
- Universities Accountability and Sustainability Act
- University Foundations Act
- Utility and Review Board Act

- Venture Corporations Act
- Veterinary Medical Act
- Victims' Rights and Services Act
- Vital Statistics Act
- Volunteer Fire and Ground Search and Rescue Services Act
- Volunteer Protection Act
- Volunteer Services Act