March 5, 2015 – Reception and Background
Provincial Greetings Deputy Minister, Dr. Peter Vaughan, NS Department of
Health and Wellness (DHW)
Canadian Consortium for Health Equity (CCHE) Presentation
Marie Serdynska
CCHE Co-Chair, HPH International, McGill University Health
Centre – Mapping the Routes to Canadian Health Equity: Towards a Collective Vision
Dr. Lloy Wylie
Assistant Professor in Public Health, Western University
The First Nation Health Authority and Health Equity for First Nations in BC
Rita Van Meyel
Clinical Social Worker and Adolescent Mental Health Care Program,
London Health Sciences Centre – Improving Mental Health Services for Immigrant and
Refugee Children and Families in London Ontario: A Hospital/Community Partnership
Karima Karmali
Director of the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Child and
Family-Centred Care at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto-
Advancing Health Equity through Clinical, Structural and Organizational Interventions
March 6, 2015 - Forum
Welcome and Notables: Lori Root, Research and Statistical Officer, NS Advisory Commission on AIDS, Tabinda Sheikh, Policy Analyst, DHW, DHW Diversity Co-Chairs
Indigenous Prayer – Kirstin Nucklaus, Policy and Development Officer, DHW
Mi’kmaq Honour Song – Margaret Wentzell
Deputy Minister, Dr. Peter Vaughan, DHW
Overview of the Day
Sharon Davis-Murdoch
Special Advisor to the Associate Deputy Minister for Diversity and Social Inclusion, DHW and DHW Diversity Committee Co-Chair
Keynote Presentation
Hans Verrept
Lead, Intercultural Mediation for the Belgian Nation, Coordinator, Pilot Equity Standards, Belgium – Developing and Implementing the Standard for Equity in Health Care for Migrants and other Vulnerable Groups:
Background, Project Rationale and Results of the Pilot Tests
Lynn Langille
Coordinator, Health Disparities, DHW – Advancing Health Equity in NS through Public Health Standards
Shawna O’Hearn
Director, Global Health, Dalhousie University
Dr. Jeff Kirby
Professor of Bioethics, Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Medicine-
Translating Social Accountability Standards to Innovative Action in Canadian Medical Schools
Marie Serdynska
Coordinator of Sociocultural Consultation and Interpretation Services – SCIS at the Montreal Children’s Hospital McGill University Health Centre and HPH International, Health Equity Standards, The Health Equity Process: Identifying the links between services, structures and terminology to create a culture of collaboration
Tiroyamodimo Tyro Setlhong
Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator for the Izaac Walton Killam (IWK) Health Centre – International Standards Practical Utility (Pilot Experiences)
Creative Moment – Everyday Equity
YMCA Youth, Zainab Al-Habibi, Karin Jafer and Haja Nabay
Reflections of Young Newcomer Women on their Immigration Experience
In My Own Voice Arts Association, Sobaz Benjamin, Enze Lang and (Collaborator – named on video) Spoken Word and Hip Hop Selections
Dr. Nadine Gracia
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health and Director of the Office of Minority Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – Moment of Opportunity: Reducing Health Disparities and Advancing Health Equity through the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care
Wrap-Up and Evaluation
Lori Root, Research and Statistical Officer, NS Advisory Commission on AIDS, Sharon Davis-Murdoch, Special Advisor to the Associate Deputy Minister for Diversity and Social Inclusion, DHW and DHW Diversity Committee Co-Chair