Health and Wellness depend upon strong partnerships with district health authorities and health care professionals across Nova Scotia.
This section provides health care professionals with information to help make decisions in the best interest of Nova Scotians.
Pharmacare News Bulletins
Nova Scotia Formulary and Nova Scotia Pharmacare Program updates
Interchangeable Products
Updates to interchangeable products
Find information on vaccine-preventable and non-vaccine preventable diseases, sexually-transmitted diseases and healthcare-associated infections.
Criteria and Forms for Exception Status Drugs under the Nova Scotia Pharmacare Programs
Details of the drugs and supplies, including reimbursement levels, which are benefits under the Nova Scotia Pharmacare Programs.
More information about living and working in Nova Scotia, job opportunities and incentives to come to here can be found at More Than Medicine Physician Recruitment website.
The Model of Care Initiative in Nova Scotia (MOCINS) is a joint initiative of the Department of Health & Wellness, district health authorities, and the IWK Health Centre. It included the design, planning and implementation of the new collaborative care model on units in each district health authority/IWK. Model of Care refers to the way health care services are organized and delivered.
The website provides access to an inventory of practice guidelines developed by the provincial programs of the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness.
The strategy’s goal was to stabilize the province’s nursing workforce by improving the quality of life for nurses, keeping experienced nurses in the system, and enhancing recruitment efforts. Significant progress was made under this original strategy, particularly in respect to recruiting and retaining nurses, and in increasing the number of full-time, permanent nursing positions in the province.
The Medical Services Insurance Programs are administered by Medavie Blue Cross on behalf of the Department of Health and Wellness. All Nova Scotia Medical Services Insurance physicians’ monthly bulletins, physicians manual and billing instructions may be found on this page.
Nova Scotia Formulary and Nova Scotia Pharmacare Program updates
Information for providers regarding the Nova Scotia Pharmacare Programs
Third Party Liability operates under the authority of Sections 18 and 19 of the Health Services and Insurance Act and Regulations.