The Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness is committed to ongoing improvement of Nova Scotia 's health care system through system planning, legislation, resources allocation, policy and standards development, monitoring and evaluation, and information management.
To improve service delivery outcomes, the DoH funds the activities of nine provincial programs, each focusing on addressing key health care needs of Nova Scotians.
The provincial programs are part of the delivery of safe, high quality care to Nova Scotians. Staff in the programs work to improve the health of Nova Scotians by setting and monitoring standards of care, offering education programs and participating in health research. The programs have advisory boards with representation from relevant agencies throughout the districts and the IWK. Provincial programs act in an advisory role to the Department of Health and Wellness and provincial health care providers.
Cancer Care Nova Scotia
Established in 1998, Cancer Care Nova Scotia (CCNS) is a provincial program of the Department of Health and Wellness created to reduce the burden of cancer on individuals, families and the health-care system through prevention, screening, education and research.
Cardiovascular Health Nova Scotia
Created in 2004, Cardiovascular Health Nova Scotia (CVHNS) is a provincial program of the Department of Health and Wellness which aims to improve the cardiovascular health and care of Nova Scotians. The Program's scope includes cardiac disease and stroke.
Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia
The Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia (DCPNS) was established by the Department of Health and Wellness in 1991. With a mandate to improve the health of Nova Scotian's affected by or at risk of developing diabetes, the DCPNS works with a variety of partners to address issues related to diabetes prevention, management and reduction of complications.
Legacy of Life: Nova Scotia Organ and Tissue Donation Program
Established in 2006, Legacy of Life: Nova Scotia Organ and Tissue Donation Program strives to ensure all Nova Scotians know about organ and tissue donation, and choose to donate. The program promotes donation and optimal care for all potential donors and families throughout Nova Scotia .
Nova Scotia Breast Screening Program
Established in 1991, the Nova Scotia Breast Screening Program (NSBSP) assists in the early detection of breast cancer by providing access to quality standardized, screening mammography and timely patient navigation. NSBSP assessment also assures the appropriate follow-up for women who had abnormal mammograms on screening through diagnostic work-ups in accredited work-up centres.
Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Centres
Located in 25 communities throughout the province and established in 1963, Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Centres (NSHSC) provide hearing services to all Nova Scotians, and speech and language services to pre-school children and adults.
Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Program
Created in 2003, the Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Program (NSBCP) provides the leadership to collaborate with health care providers across the province and Canadian Blood Services to maximize the safe and appropriate management of blood and related products received by Nova Scotians.
Nova Scotia Renal Program
The Nova Scotia Renal Program (NSRP), established in 2007, focuses on improving renal health and care for all Nova Scotians. The program facilitates communication among renal teams throughout the province and promotes evidence-based recommendations for change. The program's strategic plan emphasizes prevention through health education and early identification, management of kidney disease, and the development of standards to ensure equitable renal care throughout the province.
Reproductive Care Program/Rh Program of Nova Scotia
The Reproductive Care Program/Rh Program of Nova Scotia (RCPNS)has a broad mandate to address the health needs of childbearing women, their newborns and their families, by working directly with hospital and community-based care providers, managers and health care planners across the province.