Child protection services are about protecting children under 16 from abuse and/or neglect while making every effort to keep families together. Under the Children and Family Services Act, child protection workers and designated social workers in child welfare agencies are required to assess reports of alleged child abuse and neglect.
There are different kinds of child abuse:
Everyone has the duty to immediately report to a child welfare agency even a suspicion that a child under 16 may be in need of protective services. Reports may be made anonymously. Once a report is made, child protection staff consider the information provided to determine whether an investigation into the matter is necessary.
Call 1-877-424-1177 if you believe a child is in immediate danger of abuse.
(From 4:30 pm to 8:30 am weekdays, on weekends or on holidays call 1-866-922-2434.)
If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, please contact the child welfare agency in the area where the child lives. It is best if you contact the agency by telephone or in person.
To find the child welfare agency in your area, please contact the Agency or District Office of the Department of Community Services nearest you for more information.