1. Accessibility Directorate
  2. Public Transportation Standard Development Committee

Public Transportation Standard Development Committee

The Public Transportation Standard Development Committee helps the Accessibility Advisory Board make recommendations to the Minister of Justice on creating and implementing an accessibility standard in public transportation and transportation infrastructure.

The goal of the public transportation standard is to make sure that persons with disabilities have equitable access to public transportation.

About the committee

The majority of committee members identify as having a disability. Committee members include:

  • persons with disabilities
  • representatives from organizations that provide services to persons with disabilities
  • representatives from sectors impacted by the standard (like the transportation providers and municipalities)
  • representatives from the Department of Public Works and the Joint Regional Transportation Agency

Committee members

  • David McCusker, Chair - Transportation Consultant, WSP (and retired Transportation Planning Manager, Halifax Regional Municipality), East Hants
  • Ellen Johnson, Vice Chair - Regional Accessibility Coordinator, Municipality of the Districts of Lunenburg and Chester and Towns of Bridgewater, Mahone Bay and Lunenburg and Vice Chair, Nova Scotia Accessibility Advisory Board, Bridgewater
  • Tomi Adesina - Research and Communications Officer, DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN Canada), Halifax
  • Samantha Bambrick - Owner/Operator, Alternative Routes, Halifax
  • Kim Bates Cusack - Accessibility Advocate, Bateston
  • Tammie Bezanson - CET, RHFAC Professional, Engineering Technologist, Municipality of the District of Chester, Forties
  • Kalyn Breen - Community Transportation Development Officer, Department of Public Works, Halifax
  • Lora Church - Executive Director, Nova Scotia Residential Agencies Association, New Germany
  • Megan Couture - Communications & Engagement Strategist, Joint Regional Transportation Agency, Halifax
  • Jessie Greenough - Executive Director, MusGo Rider Cooperative Ltd and MusGo Rider Valley-Sheet Harbour Cooperative Ltd, Musquodoboit Harbour
  • Philip Herritt - Director, Transit Operations, Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax
  • Harkanwal (Harry) Kaur - Co-chair - East Cape Breton County Community Health Board, Glace Bay
  • Josh Landry - Manager of TJ's Driving Services and Director of the Nova Scotia Accessibility Association, Halifax
  • Ken Long - Health Policy Analyst, Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat and Wabanaki Council on Disability, Halifax
  • Leanne N. MacNeil - Supervisor of Operations, Transit Cape Breton, Sydney
  • Michelle Mahoney - Accessibility Officer, University of King's College and board member, Easter Seals Nova Scotia and Easter Seals Canada, Lucasville
  • Jim McDermott - Member, Deafness Advocacy Nova Scotia, Halifax
  • Max Nodwell - Accessibility Advocate, Sydney
  • Anika Riopel - Senior Coordinator, Sustainable Transportation, Ecology Action Centre, Halifax
  • Ginny Sweet - CNIB SmartLife Head Coach Atlantic Canada, Middle Sackville
  • Leslie Taylor - Provincial Coordinator, NS Community Transportation Network and Board Chair, Chester Community Wheels, Chester
  • Nicholas Taylor - Disability and 2SLGBTQIA+ Advocate, Cooks Brook