The Farm Animal Welfare Program enforces the farm animal welfare provisions of the Nova Scotia Animal Protection Act and sections of the Criminal Code of Canada. If you witness a farm animal in distress, you can report the incident and animal welfare inspectors will respond.
The program also provides opportunities for you to become an approved foster farm or livestock transporter.
Under Nova Scotia's Animal Health and Protection Regulations there is mandatory reporting of notifiable and reportable diseases. All owners, custodians, veterinarians and laboratories that suspect or confirm that any animal is suffering from a provincially notifiable disease must report the suspicion or confirmation to the Chief Veterinary Officer in writing within 24 hours.
Purpose: To encourage cattle owners to utilize the professional services of a veterinarian, on a regular basis, for the maintenance and improvement of herd health, through the application of the principles of preventative medicine.
Purpose: To encourage purebred and commercial sheep flock owners to utilize the professional services of a veterinarian, on a regular basis, for the maintenance and improvement of flock health, through application of the principles of preventative medicine.
Purpose: To minimize disease in swine herds through herd inspections, recording of disease findings, adoption of procedures to reduce or eradicate common disease already present, and to prevent the introduction of other diseases.
Purpose: To encourage mink breeders to utilize the professional services of a veterinarian, on a regular basis, for the maintenance and improvement of ranch mink health, through the application of the principles of bio-security and preventative medicine.
Animal Welfare Concerns:
To report a farm animal in distress, contact provincial animal welfare inspectors (with Department of Environment and Climate Change):
Phone: 902-956-1165
(monitored from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm)
If an animal is in critical distress after office hours, contact RCMP or municipal police for assistance.
Animal Health Programs:
Mailing: PO Box 890
(Hancock Building)
Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5G6
Civic: Hancock Veterinary Building
65 River Road
Bible Hill, NS B2N 2P3
Tel: 902-893-6540
Fax: 902-895-6684