Farm premises identification is a way of linking livestock and poultry to geographic locations for the purposes of responding to emergencies.
The term “premises” refers to a parcel of land where livestock or poultry are grown, kept, assembled or disposed of, including:
Farm premises identification is a tool used to plan for and manage animal health and food safety emergencies. Premises identification:
Farm Premises Identification Program Online User Login
Nova Scotia Farm Premises Identification Program Application Form (PDF)
Resource Management Coordinator
74 Research Drive
Bible Hill, Nova Scotia
Phone: 902-956-2707
The Agriculture Marshland Conservation Act provides protection for tidal agricultural marshland in Nova Scotia. These lands are primarily located along the Bay of Fundy and its tributaries. The Bay of Fundy creates a unique opportunity and constant risk for Nova Scotia marshlands. Marshlands include a provincial dyke system, various control structures known as aboiteaux, and flood gates. An aboiteau is a culvert through the wall of the dyke which allows fresh water through and prevents seawater from entering the marshland by a mechanical gate system. The marshland consists of 17,400 hectares (43,000 acres) protected by 241 kilometers of dykes and 260 aboiteau structures. The primary focus of the Department of Agriculture through the Agriculture Marshland Conservation Act is the protection of agricultural land. The department recognizes the dyke system protects significant municipal, highway, railway, utility and private infrastructure.
Various sections of the department work to maintain agricultural marshlands. The dykes are mowed annually to maintain a grass cover protecting against wave action, failure, and weed control. The dykes are repaired and maintained to prevent breaches from storms and high tides. Aboiteau structures are repaired and maintained to ensure continued efficient operation. Staff are engaged with various marshland stakeholders including other government departments, marsh bodies, municipalities, community groups, and others.
Climate change poses a significant challenge for the marshlands. The department is working with various stakeholders, experts, and federal and provincial governments to create a long-term solution to prevent flooding of agricultural marshlands and respond to climate change.
Images of Nova Scotia's Agricultural Marshlands
(click on the thumbnails to view larger images):
Marshland Administrator
Land Protection and Field Services
Department of Agriculture
Phone: 1-800-279-0825
Fax: 902-893-0244
The health of the honey bee industry is vital to agriculture in Nova Scotia because honey bees pollinate major industry crops, such as wild blueberries, apples, small fruit and vegetables.
The protection of honey bee health falls under the Bee Industry Act and regulations which require any person keeping honey bees, whether it is one colony or a thousand, to register with the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture. A permit is required to import bees and all requirements set out in the Bee Health Importation Protocol must be met.
The department maintains a registry of beekeepers who must re-register annually and provide information on colony numbers, location, honey yield, overwintering information and pest treatment.
The Provincial Apiculturist/Inspector inspects for specific diseases and pests, and inspects colonies to be sold. The Regulations detail diseases and pests and identify those that must be reported by the beekeeper.
Provincial Apiculturist
Agriculture and Food Operations Branch
Department of Agriculture
74 Research Drive
Bible Hill, Nova Scotia B2N 5G6
Phone: 902-890-1565
Fax: 902-893-2757
The Nova Scotia Agricultural Weed Control Act (AWCA) was initiated by the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture and came into effect July 1, 1967 (formerly Weed Control Act). The intent of the act is to preserve the quality of agricultural land and provide protection from weeds that may be harmful to livestock. In Nova Scotia the term noxious weeds has regulatory meaning, and refers to only those weeds designated under the act.
Noxious weeds are normally non-native plants that have the ability to create severe negative impacts in agricultural systems and ecologically sensitive areas. These weeds are highly destructive, invasive, competitive, difficult to control, usually of limited distribution, and may be highly toxic to livestock.
There are currently 10 weeds regulated under the Nova Scotia Agricultural Weed Control Act, which are classified according to their importance and distribution in the province. New weed species with the potential to become established in Nova Scotia (invasive species) are closely monitored. The Nova Scotia Agricultural Weed Control Advisory Committee oversees changes to the Act and Regulations as required.
Department of Agriculture
Plant Protection Coordinator
Phone: 902-890-3377 or 902-324-9345
The Apple Maggot Inspection Program is legislated under the Nova Scotia Agriculture and Marketing Act, Part XIII “Prevention and Control of the Apple Maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh) and Prevention and Control of Apple Maggot Regulations made under Section 124 of the Act, N.S. Reg. 264/2013.
Apple Maggot is a native North American pest species that is destructive to the apple industry. Because Apple Maggot is an extremely damaging insect pest, there is zero tolerance for it in most importing countries. The Department of Agriculture works closely with Nova Scotia Fruit Growers’ Association (NSFGA) and apple packers to coordinate and conduct an inspection process as a tool to support the industry’s fresh apples export capacity and sustainability. Inspection results are provided to commercial Nova Scotia apple packing houses on whether or not Apple Maggot infestation has been found in inspected commercial orchards.
Department of Agriculture
Plant Protection Coordinator
Phone: 902-890-3377 or 902-324-9345
The Fur Industry Regulations and Fur Industry Act focus on environmental management of fur farms to help ensure the industry is both an economic contributor to the province and an environmentally responsible neighbour.
Under the regulations fur farmers are required to work with designated professionals (engineers) to develop site specific management plans. A key component is separation distances from watercourses, off-farm wells, off-farm dwellings, public highways, and property lines, all of which are regulated for animal-housing buildings and waste management structures. Management plans must also detail management practices that will be implemented to mitigate environmental and nuisance concerns.
The Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture issues Site Approval Permits and Licences related to the construction of fur farms and the housing of furbearing animals for commercial production. On-site inspections are conducted to ensure that the various components of fur farms are built to the specifications identified in the management plan and to ensure management practices are being followed. Regulations are enforced through orders, fines, and revocation of the fur farm licence and site approval permit.
Department of Agriculture
74 Research Drive
Bible Hill, Nova Scotia B6L 2R2
Phone: 902-896-1279
Fax: 902-893-2757
The Regional Services section consists of five Agricultural Resource Coordinators (ARC's),
and five support staff, situated in offices throughout the province.