Lab Services
The Department of Agriculture manages laboratories that analyze a range of animal, food and agricultural materials, including: individual animal and herd/flock health diagnoses; raw and processed milk and related dairy products; drinking, milk house and greenhouse water; soils; livestock feed; plant tissue; compost; and manure analyses. Our services are aimed primarily at agricultural producers and industry, but we are available to private companies, other government agencies, researchers and the public.
Our labs are located in two buildings. The Animal and Plant Lab is located at 176 College Road, while the Animal Health Lab is at 65 River Road. Dairy Lab functions are carried out in one of these two locations.
For more in-depth lab information including drop-off hours, fees and specifics on sampling:
Responsible for testing: water, feed, soil, manure, compost, and fruit and vegetable crop tissues.
Responsible for testing: livestock and other animals and post-mortem examinations.
Responsible for testing: dairy products and related materials.
Lab Contacts
The laboratories are located in Truro.
Animal and Plant & Dairy Labs
PO Box 890 (Harlow Bldg.)
Truro, NS
B2N 5G6
Harlow Institute
(Dalhousie Agricultural Campus) 176 College Road
Bible Hill, Nova Scotia
B2N 2P3
Tel: (902) 893-7444
Fax: (902) 893-4193
Email: Janice Beaton
Pathology Lab
PO Box 890 (Hancock Bldg.)
Truro, NS
B2N 5G6
Hancock Veterinary Building
(Dalhousie Agricultural Campus)
65 River Road
Bible Hill, Nova Scotia
B2N 2P3
Tel: (902) 893-6540
Fax: (902) 895-6684