Employment Interventions are specialized employment programs that assist Nova Scotians who require more in-depth, longer-term supports and services than those offered through employment services centres. Interventions, while weaving in employment and/or job search services, also offer a wide array of other wrap-around supports to help people move toward employment.
Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia
2120-6960 Mumford Rd., Halifax, NS, B3L 4P1
P: 902-423-3607
F: 902- 423-3154
ISANS offers specialized employment supports to unemployed immigrant Nova Scotians in Halifax and surrounding areas.
Phoenix Learning and Employment Center
6169 Quinpool Road Suite, 220 Halifax, NS B3L 4P8
P: 902-431-9677
F: 902-431-9682
Phoenix offers specialized employment supports to Youth within Halifax and surrounding areas who are experiencing significant barriers to employment.
Lakecity Employment Services
386 Windmill Rd., Dartmouth, NS, B3A 1J5
P: 902- 465-5000
F: 902- 465-2494
Lakecity offers specialized employment supports to unemployed Nova Scotians living with a mental illness, in Halifax and surrounding areas.
Women Unlimited
PO Box 38, Hubbards, NS, B0J 1T0
P: 902- 857-1061
F: 902- 857-1001
The Women Unlimited Association offers specialized employment supports to unemployed women in the Halifax region and focuses on women in trades and technology.
3845 Joseph Howe Drive Suite 201, Halifax, NS B3L 4H9
Phone- 902-429-5878
Provides workshops to unemployed Nova Scotians with disabilities.