Nova Scotia's education and apprenticeship system can help Labour Market Development Agreement (LMDA) eligible participants receive training and experience they need to become a professional skilled trades-person. Follow the link for each program for detailed information about eligibility criteria, application process and any required forms.
Apprenticeship: Nova Scotia's education and apprenticeship system can help eligible participants receive training and experience they need to become a professional skilled tradesperson.
Nova Scotia Works Employment Services Centres offer an integrated bundle of employment services to help Nova Scotians understand, prepare for, and meet the needs of the provincial labour market. Centres also provide services to aid businesses in recruiting, managing and developing the talent they require to be more productive in a global economy.
Employment Interventions are specialized employment programs that assist Nova Scotians who require more in-depth, longer-term supports and services than those offered through employment services centres. Interventions, while weaving in employment and/or job search services, also offer a wide array of other wrap-around supports to help people move toward employment.
Skills Development is an employment program that provides financial assistance to unemployed LMDA eligible Nova Scotians who need to learn additional basic to advanced skills development training to help find work in Nova Scotia’s labour market.
Fast Forward Program (FFP) provides an opportunity for individuals who are in receipt of regular Employment Insurance benefits to attend approved training for the duration of their claim.
Job Creation Partnerships are employment programs designed to support projects that will provide LMDA eligible participants with meaningful work experience that will improve their employment prospects.
START Program is an employment program that encourages employers to hire unemployed Nova Scotians requiring work experience resulting in good jobs for Nova Scotians and good employees for employers.
Self Employment is an employment program that provides entrepreneurial support and may also provide financial assistance to eligible unemployed individuals to assist them with the planning and start-up of their business.
Works for You (W4U) supports projects that help people prepare for job opportunities and build the skills they need to participate in their local labour market.