Nova Scotia > Justice > ORR > Advertising Office of the Registrar of Regulations

Advertising in Royal Gazette Part I

Estate Notices [Adobe PDF Form]
For advertisement of a Grant of Probate at Grant of Administration. Please submit this form with a cheque, bank draft, or money order for $68.75 payable to 'Minister of Finance' by mail to the address on the form. Electronic submissions for Estate Notices are not available at this time.

Surrender of a Company Certificate [Adobe PDF Form]
For the advertisement of the Surrender of Certificate (Incorporation, Amagamation, etc.) of a company. Please submit this form with a cheque, bank draft, or money order for $30.15 payable to 'Minister of Finance' by mail to the address on the form or electronically by email to be invoiced for cheque payment.

Proof in Solemn advertisements
Please submit a copy of Form 45 along with a cheque, bank draft, or money order for $30.15 payable to 'Minister of Finance' by mail to our office or electronically by email to be invoiced for cheque payment.

Other Advertisements [Adobe PDF Form]
For all other ads please include text on this form itself, not as an additional attachment. For advertisements as required by the Acts or Regulations of Nova Scotia, please submit this form with a cheque, bank draft, or money order for $30.15 payable to 'Minister of Finance' by mail to the address on the form or electronically by email to be invoiced for cheque payment.
Notice Duration Fee*
Estate Notice (Probate Act) 6 months $68.75
Proof in Solemn Form (Probate Act) 3 issues $30.15
Surrender of Certificate (Companies Act) 1 issue $30.15
All other notices pursuant to Acts
(for maximum number of insertions required by statute)
General advertising not covered by above (per column inch) 1 issue $15.20
*Advertising fees for the Royal Gazette Part I are prescribed by N.S. Reg. 41/99, effective April 1, 2015. The above-noted prices include 15% HST.

Notices must be received by 4:30 pm on Monday for publishing in the Wednesday issue. Large or complex notices, however, may require a longer lead in time and publication in the next issue may not be possible. Please contact the office to discuss publication of larger or more complex notices.