Government of Nova Scotia, Canada
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FAQ - Insurance Agency Licensing

Agency Licensing and Application FAQ

The Corporate Insurance Application Form is used to license Insurance Agencies and (sometimes) for updating the insurance license information. The FAQs below answer common questions about completing the form, and related licensing questions.

On the application form, what do "New", and "Transfer" mean, and which one do I choose?

  • New - first time application for agency license
  • Transfer - when your sponsor has changed within the three year licensing period

Note: To simpy renew your license without any changes, please use the form mailed to you. Only send us the Corporate Insurance / Adjuster form if you are renewing, and at the same time, changing your sponsor. Select application type: renew/transfer.

Checking over my completed form, what are items that I might overlook?

There are a few questions that are, at times overlooked, and will cause a delay in processing your application:

  • Registry of Joint Stock Companies - be sure your registration is up-to-date. We cannot process your application if the registration has expired.
  • General Insurance License: complete information on: Agency Year-end date; Fidelity and Omissions names and amount of coverage for each. Non-resident General agency - completed Extra-Provincial Trust Account Filing Questionnaire.
  • Part D - signature of Agent-in-Charge
  • Part E - signature of Sponsor

My personal or agency contact information has changed. How do I get the information updated?

Please advise us, in writing or by email, of any change in your contact information. There is no fee charged for this service.

How do I update license information, besides contact or sponsor information?

Please notify us, in writing, of any changes to the information you provided to us. This includes, for example: change in Agent-in-Charge, and agency officers/partners. There is no fee charged for this service.


Orange ClockFor more information

Agent, agency and adjuster licensing enquiries:
902-424-2787 or 902-424-7551

Insurer licensing enquiries: 902-424-6331

Fax: 902-424-1298