Act |
Regulations |
Acadia University Act (Private Act, 1891) |
Adult Learning Act |
Amusement Devices Safety Act |
Regulations |
Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act |
Regulations |
Atlantic Institute of Education Act |
Atlantic School of Theology Act (Private Act, 1974) |
Building Code Act |
Regulations |
Cape Breton University Act |
Canadian Forces Reservists Protection Act |
Community Colleges Act |
Cosmetology Act |
Construction Projects Labour-Management Relations Act |
Court and Administrative Reform Act (Department of Justice) |
Regulations |
Dalhousie University-Nova Scotia Agricultural College Merger Act |
Dalhousie-Technical University Amalgamation Act |
An Act for the Regulation and Support of Dalhousie College (Private Act, 1863) |
An Act relating to Dalhousie College (Private Act, 1935) |
Degree Granting Act |
Regulations |
Electrical Installation and Inspection Act |
Regulations |
Elevators and Lifts Act |
Regulations |
Fair Registration Practices Act |
Finance Act |
Regulations |
Fire Safety Act |
Regulations |
Labour Board Act |
Labour Standards Code |
Regulations |
Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission Act |
Mount Saint Vincent University Act (Private Act, 1988) |
North American Labor Cooperation Agreement Implementation Act |
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Act (Private Act, 1969) |
Occupational Health and Safety Act |
Regulations |
Pay Equity Act |
Regulations |
Poverty Reduction Working Group Act |
Private Career Colleges Regulation Act |
Regulations |
Registered Barbers Act |
Regulations |
Remembrance Day Act |
Retail Business Designated Day Closing Act |
Regulations |
Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act |
Regulations |
St. Francis Xavier University Act (Private Act, 1921) |
St. Mary’s University Act (Private Act, 1970) |
Student Aid Act |
Regulations |
Teachers' Collective Bargaining Act |
Regulations |
Technical Safety Act |
Regulations |
Trade Union Act |
Regulations |
Université Sainte-Anne - Collège de l'Acadie Act/ Loi sur l'Université Sainte-Anne - Collège de l'Acadie |
Universities Assistance Act |
Regulations |
University Foundations Act |
Regulations |
University of King's Collage Act (Private Act, 1960) |
Regulations |
Volunteer Fire and Ground Search and Rescue Services Act |
Regulations |
Volunteer Protection Act |
Regulations |
Volunteer Services Act |
Regulations |
Workers' Compensation Act |
Regulations |
Canada Student Financial Assistance Act* |
Regulations |
Canada Student Loans Act* |
Regulations |