Administrative penalties have been in place for 3 years, and it is now time to review and identify areas that could be strengthened. We want to make sure that administrative penalties are having the intended impact as we work together to improve safety for all Nova Scotians.
In November 2012, the Province of Nova Scotia announced that a review of administrative penalties would be completed. Since the review was initiated, we've heard from those who administer the administrative penalties system and those who are impacted by it. We've also collected feedback and information on what is working and what is not. This review will incorporate this information to ensure that the administrative penalties system is applied consistently, fairly and appropriately.
Before the administrative penalties process is revised, we want to hear additional feedback from Nova Scotians on the proposed approach going forward. This discussion paper outlines proposed solutions to issues identified by Nova Scotians. As you read, consider if you like the proposed solutions and if you think they will work.
Please be advised that any information provided to the Department will be held in confidence and only disclosed in keeping with the provisions of the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any questions pertaining to the collection, use, disclosure or correction of personal information may be directed to the departmental Information Access and Privacy Manager by email at LAEaccess@gov.ns.ca or phone at (902) 424-8472.
By Email
If you are interested in providing comments, ideas and/or suggestions electronically please use LAEPOLICY@gov.ns.ca
By Fax
(902) 428-2203
Written Submission to:
Administrative Penalty Review
c/o Policy and Planning
Labour and Advanced Education
PO Box 697
5151 Terminal Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T8