Sector Council Program

Sector Council Program

The Sector Council Program provides funding to sector councils and sector council-like organizations in order to support an industry-led approach to human resource development, attraction and retention and training. In particular, the program will ensure that small- and medium-sized businesses in Nova Scotia have increased access to expertise, resources and support in the area of human resources. Successful sectors will be eligible for a three year partnership/funding agreement with the Department of Labour and Advanced Education to address labour market challenges in a way that will make a long-term, positive, and quantifiable impact on industry. The Sector Council Program focuses on three priority areas:

  1. HR Planning: Examples of activities include: creation and dissemination of labour market information to support human resources supply and demand forecasting, research to identify promising practices, preparing industry for change and innovation.

  2. Attraction and Retention: Examples include attraction and retention activities targeting under-represented groups, activities related to the creation of workplace learning cultures and enhancing industry’s ability to recruit and retain skilled workers. Other activities may include increasing apprenticeship opportunities, career planning, youth attraction, and Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) solutions.

  3. Training: Examples include essential skills training and skills upgrading, management/leadership training, health and safety and marketing and communication activities.

Activities that cut across all three priority areas may also be eligible. Examples include strategic planning, research and development to identify industry issues and new initiatives, creating partnerships and leveraging investments, and marketing and communication activities.

Pleaser refer to the Sector Council Program Guidelines for additional information and requirements.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be a sector council or sector council-like organization that identifies and addresses human resource and skills issues for the industry sector that they represent.

Application process

Before applying, organizations are advised to contact the Workplace Initiatives Division, Labour and Advanced Education (424-6561) to determine if this program is applicable.

To make an application, applicants are advised to refer to the Sector Council Program guidelines (PDF) and must adhere to the requirements described in this document.

As part of the application, applicants are required to submit a three year strategic plan, an action plan, and letters of support from industry.

Sector Council Program Action Plan Template (DOC)

Sector Council Program Action Plan Reporting Template (DOC)

For more information download the Sector Council Program Guidelines or email:

Funding provided through the Canada-Nova Scotia Workforce Development Agreement