Forestry Publications
Single copies of publications noted FREE are available free of charge by writing to:
Dept. of Natural Resources and Renewables
P.O. Box 698, Halifax, N.S. B3J 2T9
Phone 1-902-424-8633
Fax 1-902-424-7735
E-mail: nsNR&
or by visiting your local office of the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables.
Recent Publications
Crop Tree Release in Tolerant Hardwoods
Nova Scotia’s Forest Management Guide
Wind Exposure Report
A Field Guide to Forest Biodiversity Stewardship
Spruce – Pine Management Guide
(Feb. 2017)
Intolerant Hardwood Management Guide
(Feb. 2017)
- Tolerant Softwood and Mixedwood Management Guide (Feb 2017)
- Tolerant Hardwood Management Guide (Feb 2017)
Selection Harvest Survey Report
(December, 2016)
Accuracy of Honer Volume Equations for Balsam Fir in Nova Scotia
(Updated June, 2016)
The long-term branching and diameter response for pre-commercially thinned hardwood stands in Nova Scotia
(Updated May, 2015)
- Survival and growth of out-planted small (Jiffy®1842) vs. regular (Jiffy®3065) plantation stock (Feb. 2015)
- Thoughts on Transforming the Forest Sector
Presentation by Don Roberts, Vice-Chairman, CIBC World Markets Inc. December 11, 2012
( Watch a video of this presentation )
- Commercial Thinning Survey: 5-Year results (2012)
Commercial thinning has a dual role, both as a thinning and a harvesting operation.
- Old Forest Policy - 2012 -This policy consolidates the Department's efforts to maintain old forests and associatedbiodiversity in the forested landscape.
- Mapping Nova Scotia's Natural Disturbance Regimes (Electronic copy released 2011)
- Forest Ecosystem Classification for Nova Scotia Part I: Vegetation Types (2010)
- Forest Ecosystem Classification for Nova Scotia Part II: Soil Types (2010)
- Forest Ecosystem Classification for Nova Scotia Part III: Ecosites (2010)
- Woodbridge Wood Supply Scenarios - Clearcut Harvest Policy Analysis (May 2011)
- Non-Industrial Private Non-Participation Scenarios (May 2011)
- Land Capability and Site Index Curves for Nova Scotia Hardwoods (March 2011)
- Modelled Potential Species Distribution for Current and Projected Future Climates for the Acadian Forest Region of Nova Scotia (January 2010)
In 2007 research was undertaken into potential impacts of climate change on forest site conditions that influence tree species distributions in Nova Scotia. The Research was lead by University of New Brunswick professor, Dr. Charles Bourque. Using growing degree days and soil water content in combination with a 'middle-of-the-road' climate change scenario (ISA92a), twelve native species were assessed for changes to their potential distribution, projected in 30-year time slices to the year 2100.
- Implementing Ecosystem-based Integrated Resource Manangement in Nova Scotia
A systematic approach to ecosystem based intergrated resource management has evolved to include ecological planning tools, forest modelling, policy, and regulations.
The two files listed above are the Nova Scotia pages of a larger Natural Resources and Renewables of Canada document: Implementing Ecosystem-based Management Approaches in Canada's Forests. English version or French version.
- The Effects of Hurricane Juan on Managed Stands Commercially Thinned in Central Nova Scotia (November 2009)