Mainland Moose (Alces alces americana)
- Listed as endangered in 2003
- Estimated population is 1,000 animals
- You can help in the recovery!
Report Moose Sightings by:
- Contacting your local Department of Natural Resources and Renewables Office
- Filling out a Moose Sightings Form online or
- Filling out the Moose Sighting Report Form in your Hunting and Furharvesting License and Summary Regulations Booklet
Sightings aren't restricted to live moose. You can report sightings of:
- live/deceased moose
- moose tracks
- injured moose
- moose antlers
- moose scat
- moose bones or fur
For more information see our Mainland Moose Frequently Asked Questions
Any questions/comments feel free to contact us.