The Nova Scotia Species at Risk Conservation Fund was established under the Nova Scotia Endangered Species Act to assist the funding of projects related to species at risk. Funds are largely collected through the sale of special conservation license plates.
Priority for funding will be based on the overall quality of the proposal and the extent that the project addresses priority species and activities as outlined in the application information.
Applicants must consult the Proposal Submission Guidelines and Form before submitting an application. These documents, and any additional information that may be required, are also available from any office of the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables or from the following:
Species at Risk Conservation Fund
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables
Biodiversity Program, Wildlife Division
136 Exhibition Street
Kentville, Nova Scotia
B4N 4E5
Phone:(902) 679-6091
Fax: (902) 679-6176
The project proposals will be evaluated by the Nova Scotia Species at Risk Working Group. These scientists, who are experts in species at risk, will make funding recommendations to the Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables. The average amount to be awarded will be $10,000.00. The NS SAR Conservation Fund encourages applicants to have matching contributions.
The submission deadline was December 31, 2017
The Nova Scotia Species at Risk Conservation Fund looks forward to receiving your submission. In partnership, we can support the conservation and recovery of species at risk and the prevention of species from becoming at risk.
Conditions for awarding SAR Conservation Fund grants
Projects accepted for 2018
Projects accepted for 2013
Projects accepted for 2009
Projects accepted for 2008