Recreational water illnesses are spread by contact with contaminated water in swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs.
Contaminated recreational water can cause a variety of illness such as diarrhea, and eye, skin, ear, and respiratory infections.
Recreational water illnesses, such as eye, skin, ear, and respiratory infections, are caused by microorganisms found naturally in the environment.
For instance, swimmers rash is caused by a bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) commonly found in the environment. Swimmers rash is spread by direct contact with contaminated water and is the most common recreational water illness spread through spas and hot tubs (although it is also spread through contaminated pool water).
This illness is caused by microorganisms such as E.coli 0157.H7, Shigella, Giardia and Cryptosporidium (Crypto) that have entered the spa or hot tub (or pool) through fecal material that has washed off users.
If a person swallows water that has been contaminated with feces he or she may become ill.
Operators, once aware of a recreational water illnesses, should immediately
The high water temperature of spas and hot tubs encourages rapid growth of bacteria. The high water temperature also causes the chlorine to evaporate more quickly than in a swimming pool.
The best way to kill microorganisms in spa and hot tub water is by measuring and adjusting the chlorine and pH levels.
Therefore, it is important for staff to check and adjust the chlorine or other disinfectant level more often than pools.
Unfortunately, even in the best-maintained spas and hot tubs (and pools) some organisms can survive for a long time.