Power Engineers

Power Engineers : Nova Scotia Labour and Advanced Education, Building and Equipment Safety

In Nova Scotia, anyone who wants to be certified to operate boilers, refrigeration compressors, air or other gas compressors, must have a power engineer certificate. This section contains information on approved programs, course descriptions, testing details, study guides and the certification process. This section also contains the Regulations Respecting Power Engineers, and information on adherence.

Overview and guidelines: Power Engineers: A Guide to Classification (PDF)

General Information

Safety Notifications:

An Alert informs stakeholders of imminent danger to a safety issue, that if not addressed will likely lead to health and safety consequences.

A Bulletin informs stakeholders about non-imminent danger practices or procedures, which may have a level of safety risk if not addressed as soon as possible.

A Directive informs stakeholders of an interpretation or application of the act, regulations or standards of the regulation, which require action. A Directive is legally binding and must be followed by the affected stakeholder.

A Notice is to provide stakeholders with informative, non urgent, proactive communication on safety issue.



Power Engineers

Refrigeration/Compressor Plant Operators

Registered Plants

Appeals of Orders or Decisions

Any person aggrieved by an order or decision of the Chief Inspector or the Administrator may appeal, in writing, within 15 days of service of the order or receipt of the notice of the decision by the aggrieved person to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board.

Minor variance application (PDF)

Contact Information

If you have any further questions, reach out to the Safety Branch-Technical Safety Division at 1-800-9LABOUR (1-800-952-2687)

Legislation & Regulations