$62.30 The permit is valid for the duration of the job. It is not renewable.
Some municipalities may require an additional permit or may prohibit any burning.
Application can be made at the nearest Local or Area Office of the N.S. Department of Natural Resources.
An inspection of site will be required before approval is given.
Permission to burn will be the same as before: Call in before burning to see if permission is allowed.
Additional Information:
1) The permit may be cancelled orally or in writing at any time by a Conservation Officer.
2) The applicant must have the permit before the fire is started.
3) The applicant must take precaution to prevent a fire from spreading.
4) Every person in charge of a burning operation shall maintain certain firefighting equipment prescribed in the regulations.
Legislative Authority:
Forests Act, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, Chapter 10, Section 23(3)