Assessing local ecological knowledge for fish passage requirements
Acadia University
Approved: $9,900.00
The Minas Basin watersheds are among the countries most dammed and least equipped for fish passage for diadromous fishes with critical life-history habitat requirements spanning salt and freshwater. We will compile and assess local ecological knowledge (LEK) on species at risk (SAR) where tidal barriers exist using a case study approach. LEK will be compared with environmental migration and movement cues to provide data on SAR to improve fish passage structures.
Conservation of High Quality Habitat for Landbirds at Risk in Nova Scotia
Dalhousie University
Approved: $10,000.00
We know that three species of landbirds at risk (Olive-sided Flycatcher, Canada Warbler, and Rusty Blackbird) are distributed across Nova Scotia but we do not know where areas of high quality habitat for these species are located and what distinguishes these habitats. This project will engage the public in identifying high quality habitat; determine site and landscape features of high quality habitat; model it across the province; and pilot beneficial management practices in collaboration with partners.
Detecting presence of Eastern ribbonsnakes and Blanding's turtles using eDNA
Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute
Approved: $11,000.00
The goal of this project is to test the efficacy of using eDNA to detect presence of Eastern ribbonsnakes and Blanding's turtles in Nova Scotia, which if successful will provide a new tool in determining the distribution of these species in the province.
Expanding knowledge of wood turtle habitat in tributaries of the Annapolis River
Clean Annapolis River Project
Approved: $9,665.00
Previous survey efforts in Nova Scotia have generally concentrated on primary watercourses; this project will support visual and nesting surveys on smaller tributaries of the Annapolis River. Knowledge of habitat along these tributaries will allow CARP to target landowners/managers in future stewardship efforts. The project will also support the implementation of baseline fixed transect surveys using the standard protocol, finalized in winter 2018, in support of long-term monitoring efforts.
Identification of Chimney Swift breeding sites in southwestern NS forests, barns, and chimneys
University of New Brunswick
Approved: $11,000.00
We will track radio-tagged Chimney Swifts to breeding sites in forest, barns, and chimneys. This addresses several knowledge gaps for a threatened species in NS will provide evidence in the form of data to enhance our understanding of habitat. This in turn will help clarify whether conservation actions focusing on habitat conservation are
worthwhile. Our findings will also contribute to the development of habitat regulations for this species.
Piping Plover Beach Report Card: Evaluating recovery progress on NS beaches
Bird Studies Canada
Approved: $7,400.00
Piping Plover and breeding sites for other sensitive species in NS. An analysis of five years of data from over 40 sites will: determine top human-caused threats, stewardship outcomes, plover occupancy and productivity, and provincial trends. Beach report cards, synthesizing key results, will be shared with managers, landowners and beachgoers, and will trigger site-level management and enforcement actions. Project methods will also inform and strengthen plover recovery efforts across the region.
Population monitoring and conservation of Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) in southwest Nova Scotia
Université Sainte-Anne
Approved: $7,764.50
The overall aim of our project is to implement high priority conservation measures outlined in the Roseate Tern Action Plan and that support the species' recovery in Canada. Specific objectives focus on :1) enhancing nesting habitat and monitoring threats at colonies in southwest Nova Scotia, 2) monitoring population sizes and productivity at these sites, and 3) establishing additional predator-free colonies in the region.
Preparation of a status report for Maleberry (Lyonia ligustrina) and targeted surveys for rare Atlantic Coastal Plain flora
Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Center
Approved: $16,800.00
This project involves the preparation of a status report for Maleberry (Lyonia ligustrina), a shrub species known in Canada only from a single location in southwestern NS. If funding is sufficient, the project will also include fieldwork focused on: 1) acquiring a better understanding of the distribution and status of Maleberry; 2) acquiring a better understanding of the distribution of various listed Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora (ACPF) species occurring in southwest NS, particularly Tubercled Spikerush (Eleocharis tuberculosa) and Thread-leaved Sundew (Drosera filiformis).
Reducing threats to resident bat populations and investigating the impact of White-nose Syndrome on Tri-coloured Bats in Nova Scotia
Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute
Approved: $14,562.50
The goal of this project is to reduce threats to sites that are important to roosting and breeding resident bat species and learn more about the distribution of bats on the wider landscape during the breeding season in Western Nova Scotia. Ultimately the goal is to inform future recovery actions and recovery planning in Nova Scotia.
Surveys for two At-Risk bee species
Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Center
Approved: $8,450.00
Sable Island Sweat Bee is a putative Sable Island endemic. However, targeted surveys on mainland dunes have not been conducted, and it is possible this inconspicuous species occurs there. Macropis Cuckoo Bee was assessed as Endangered in 2013 because there was only one recent record. Since then others were found in Alberta and the northeastern US. Targeted surveys could reveal more NS occurrences. New records for either species would significantly affect their COSEWIC statuses.
Blanding's Turtle and Eastern Ribbonsnake Haven in Barren Meadow
Nova Scotia Nature Trust
Approved: $10,000.00
The project will protect forever a property of outstanding importance for Blanding's Turtle and Eastern Ribbonsnake recovery (nationally and provincially listed species at risk) through purchase by the Nature Trust. Permanent, legal protection and stewardship will ensure that the imperiled reptiles at the site, and several rare plant species recorded from the property, can thrive without the threat of habitat loss. The site adds to growing network of protected areas in the Barren Meadow area.
Total Projects approved: 11
Total Amount approved: $96,642.00