What was the date of the sighting? :
What time of day was the coyote sighting? :
How many coyotes were there? :
* Comments:
Did the coyote(s) approach you or a pet? : Yes No
Was there physical contact with you or a pet? : Yes No
Did the coyote(s) bite you or a pet? : Yes No If Yes, please call 1-800-565-2224 immediately.
Was the coyote aggressive in some other way? : Yes No
Please describe exactly what the animal did:
Please select what best describes the location: Was this location urban or rural? : Urban Rural
Was this sighting on a school ground? : Yes No
Was the sighting near human residences, businesses or public buildings? : Yes No
Please estimate how close the coyote was to the buildings? :
Was the sighting near a park or other recreational land? : Yes No
What County was sighting in (ie. Halifax, Kings, Lunenburg):
Your contact information
Your name:
Your civic address:
Your E-mail address:
Your phone number:
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