Bobcat populations have been of concern in Nova Scotia since a significant decline in the late 1970's. In order to ensure appropriate management of this species a better understanding of its ecology , including age structure and productivity, movements and home range, distribution, habitat requirements and selection; et cetera, was required.
To collect and analyze data from harvest monitoring and research to acquire the knowledge necessary to ensure appropriate management of bobcats in Nova Scotia.
Collect harvest information including harvest date, location, etc. as well as biological specimens from a mandatory carcass collection from fur harvesters. Re-examine available historical harvest and carcass collection data,prey population data, as well as telemetry research data (home range, movements, habitat selection) to evaluate long term trends and relationships between population change, distribution, age structure and productivity, habitat supply and change, prey supply, harvests, etc.
Trappers Association of Nova Scotia, Acadia Center for Wildlife and Conservation Biology, and Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables Regional Services.
Collections currently suspended, may be re-instituted in future if required for management purposes. Analysis of long term data is continuing. Population status will likely continue to require regular monitoring.
Re-analysis of telemetry data is done and report is completed. Analysis of long term data is partially complete. Relation of this to habitat remains to be completed.
Trappers Newsletter, other department publications, NR&R website and scientific papers.
Complete analysis of long-term bobcat population data which is unique in its duration and sample size. The information derived from this work will be important in the on-going management of this species. Continue to monitor harvests and status of population.