Cougar are thought to have been extirpated from Nova Scotia prior to 1900. However, sightings of cougars, tracks and other evidence continue to be reported on a regular basis. An adequate means of collecting sighting information, assessing validity of reports and record keeping is required to assist in determining the status of this species in Nova Scotia.
To collect and assess records of cougar sightings to determine status of this species in Nova Scotia.
Establish and maintain a standardized provincial reporting and record keeping system. Monitor incidence and distribution and assess validity of sightings.
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables Regional Services, Canadian Parks Service, Nova Scotia Museum.
This project is a continuation of work formerly done by the Canadian Wildlife Service (in cooperation with provincial agencies) which has now been handed over to the provinces. This work will be on-going indefinitely.
Development and implementation of provincial reporting forms and an explanatory bulletin was completed in 1997. Reports of cougar sightings or other evidence by the public are requested.
Completed field reports are forwarded by Regional Services to the Wildlife Division for inclusion in the provincial cougar record data base. Data are maintained in paper and/or electronic format as appropriate. To check the status of cougar (or any other species currently or formerly occurring in NS) please go to this link and use the species search option.
This project should be continued as part of our effort to address concerns for provincial species at risk.