Standards are required for killing, and restraining traps used to capture wildlife for various purposes. Negotiations and standards development are on-going at both the national and international level. Nova Scotia participation is required to ensure that practical, effective standards are developed which recognize and accommodate essential provincial concerns.
To participate in the development of trap standards and testing and certification systems which promote the development of effective, humane traps and trapping systems and which are practical in the Nova Scotia situation.
Actively participate in committees and working groups at national and international level. Assist with trap research/development efforts which are inherent to ongoing standards development through various means, including field testing and acquisition of test animals.
Canadian General Standards Board - Trap Standards Committee, Fur Institute of Canada - Trap Research and Development Committee, Trappers Association of Nova Scotia and other trapper groups, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables Regional Services, Canadian Furbearer Management Committee, International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Furbearer Resources Task Force.
Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards reached between Canada, Russia, and European Union over standards for traps to be used for many mammal species. Planning and research required for agreement implementation proceeding. Communication ongoing with USA re cooperative research and information exchange. Development of process for trap certification has been completed. National standard for mammal killing traps on land has been completed. Work on Canadian Standards for restraining and submerged traps/trapping systems is on hold pending progress on implementation of AIHTS.
The Canadian standard for killing traps on land has now been published. Update/progress reports are published in the Trappers Newsletter and/or on NR&R website. Links established on NR&R Furbearers website to a then useful information source.
Continue involvement in national and international process to ensure Nova Scotia interests are represented.