Many people contributed to the development of this book by providing comments on draft text. They include Tony Rodgers of the N.S. Wildlife Federation, Martha Devanney and John Gilhen of the N.S. Museum of Natural History, and two active members in the Project Wild school program, George Forsyth of Somerset and District Elementary and Elayne Mott of Beaverbank Monarch Drive, as well as wildlife and extension staff with the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables; Dan Banks, Walter Fanning, Emily Gratton, Ross Hall, Dave Harris, Gerry Joudrey, Peter MacDonald, John Mills, Cathy Milner, Randy Milton, Tony Nette, Mark Pulsifer, and Barry Sabean.
Elizabeth Owen created wonderful illustrations and humoured the technical adjustments to ears or wings. I would especially like to thank three people with the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables; Donald Sam for the initial version for two fish species, Peter MacDonald for the long discussions which helped to decide the organization of the book, and our editor Susan Mader for surviving through each step of the process with me.