The Chief Electrical Inspector's responsibilities and authority come from the Electrical Inspection and Installation Act and the associated Electrical Code Regulations. The main objective is to ensure that electrical installations under provincial jurisdiction are done safely per the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) and by properly qualified people.
The Chief adopts the latest edition of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) through the Electrical Code Regulations and makes any changes or additions to the CEC as required. The Chief provides interpretations for the Code to consultants, contractors and inspector's and is the person responsible for the final interpretation.
The Chief oversees the general direction of the inspection process throughout the Province which is carried out by the seven electrical utilities: Nova Scotia Power, Antigonish Electrical Commission, Berwick Electric Commission, Canso Electric Commission, Lunenburg Electric Commission, Mahone Bay Electric Commission and the Riverport Electric Commission.
The Chief oversees the review and adoption of which Certification Organizations ( i.e. CSA, ULC, Warnock Hershey, ULI, ETL, MET, Entela, note that ULI, ETL, MET and Entela must be accompanied by a small "c" at the 8 o'clock position to be acceptable, this indicates they have been certified to Canadian Standards) are acceptable within Nova Scotia. The Chief also determines which companies are acceptable to do Special Inspections on electrical equipment in Nova Scotia.
All electrical items sold or installed in Nova Scotia within provincial jurisdiction must be properly certified as approved equipment.
The Chief also oversees the process for changes such as the communications cabling specialist process and the changes such as Licensing of electrical companies. The Chief also deals with situations with regard to the installation of Lightning Protection Systems as directed under the Fire Safety Regulations. (Changes have occurred with regards to the installation of lightning protection systems. Refer to the Open Letter - Lightning Protection Systems.)
The Chief Electrical Inspector is: