FALL 1996

The American marten (or pine marten) is a member of the weasel family and is one of Nova Scotia's rarest mammals. Currently, marten are only found in a few places on mainland Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. We need your help to find other locations in the province.
American marten live in mature softwood and mixed wood forests. Probably extirpated on the mainland by 1935, marten were reintroduced in the Liscomb Game Sanctuary in 1956 and in Kejimkujik National Park between 1986 and 1990. A small remnant population persists on Cape Breton Island.
Similar in size and shape to a mink, marten are light brown to chocolate brown overall. They are distinguished by a brilliant orange-coloured throat and chest and are agile tree climbers.
Carefully and immediately release live marten accidentally captured in traps. The entire carcass of any marten killed accidentally must be turned into the Department of Lands and Forestry office. Please report all sightings of live marten, tracks, or scats.
If you have seen a marten in the province, please contact the Department of Lands and Forestry office in your area or the Wildlife Division (902-679-6091). On weekends, holidays, and after regular business hours, call out toll free line at 1-800-565-2224.