Species at Risk Conservation Fund Priority Activities
Priorities for proposal applications are organized according to:
- Priority Activities Outlined in the NS Endangered Species Act;
- Priority Species (Listed & Non-Listed);
- Priority Conservation and Recovery Needs.
1. Priority Activities Outlined in the NS Endangered Species Act:
Project applications for the SAR Fund can address a wide range of activities related to species at risk conservation, recovery and prevention. Section 8(3) of the NS Endangered Species Act outlines the types of activities that the SAR Conservation Fund can be used to support:
- the preparation of scientific status reports on species at risk;
- activities for the recovery of species at risk in the Province;
- activities including education and research, to prevent species from becoming at risk in the Province;
- the acquisition of land for the maintenance and restoration of species at risk and species-at-risk habitats and ecosystems;
- any other purpose related to species at risk.
2. Priority Species: Listed
Species at risk in Nova Scotia are assessed and legally listed through two different processes; the NS Endangered Species Act, and the federal Species at Risk Act (assessments by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)). Project proposals should address priority species at risk in the following order of priority:
- All species listed as Endangered or Threatened under the NS Endangered Species Act
- All species listed as Vulnerable under the NS Endangered Species Act
Priority Species : Non-Listed
Project proposals which address the following non-listed species of conservation concern will also be considered:
- S1, S2, S3 species in Nova Scotia listed by the Atlantic Conservation Data Centre
- Any species listed as Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern in Nova Scotia listed by COSEWIC
- Other non-listed species, if sufficient rationale can be provided (e.g. a species in the process of being listed, a species which is particularly important to aboriginal people, or a species not currently assessed under general status).
3. Priority Conservation and Recovery Needs:
Three specific, priority conservation and recovery needs have been identified and applicants are encouraged to submit proposals which address these:
- Priority species that require molecular genetics information, field inventories, or population monitoring, to provide the fundamental building blocks that will inform and insure effective risk prevention, recovery planning and actions
- For species where recovery is well underway, the securement of land for the protection of species at risk and their habitat.
- For any priority species, supporting ‘on the ground’ delivery of recovery actions.