If you receive Employment Insurance (EI) funding, you may be able to use Student Assistance to help you obtain new training. Find your program below to learn how EI fits into your plan to finance school.
In the Fast Forward program you can attend approved training while also receiving EI funding, but you are expected to pay for your own training. If you qualify to receive student assistance funding from us, you will need to claim your EI funding as a resource on your student assistance application and provide us with a copy of your Fast Forward contract.
The Skills Development program funds your living expenses through EI and also funds your tuition/training costs. You may be assessed a Client Contribution amount, which is your own contribution. For qualifying applicants, you can apply for student assistance to cover your Client Contribution up to $2,000.
If you need to provide us with proof of your EI income, you can obtain a printout of your EI funding amounts, the date your funding started and the date it will end, plus the dates on which you received/will receive funding from Service Canada. If you need help with this service to download a report, please contact Service Canada.
For more information on any of these programs, please contact Employment Nova Scotia directly.