If you are behind on your payments and you are in danger of defaulting on your loan, call us. We have Repayment Assistance Plans to help you until you can afford to make regular payments again.
If you have been told you're in default, but you are still in school, you may need to take action to reinstate your Interest-Free Status.
If you have "defaulted" on your Student Loan(s), or your loans are "in arrears," this means that once your loan(s) entered repayment, you did not make several of the regular payments you agreed to make when you borrowed the funding. This has serious consequences, but your may be able to return your loan to good standing.
The consequences of defaulting on student loans can be quite serious and longlasting. Being in default for missing monthly payments usually results in damage to your credit rating and seriously affects your ability to borrow money or obtain credit in the future. It also has a direct effect on your ability to borrow any further student assistance funding.
The bankruptcy rules for student loans are different than for other debts. Industry Canada's website has information about bankruptcy and student loans.
If you are in default, but wish to return to study with the help of student assistance, you should contact the National Student Loans Service Centre and the Nova Scotia Student Assistance Office.
You will need to give your Social Insurance Number and the reason for defaulting on your loan.
Service Nova Scotia
If your loans are in default, and have "been returned to Nova Scotia Student Assistance" you should contact Service Nova Scotia to make payment arrangements. Service Nova Scotia Phone 1-800-429-0621 (Press option 3) |
For inquiries about your account & repayment assistance programs for NS Student Loans received since 2008.
Management of all Nova Scotia Student Loans received since 2008 Phone: Monday - Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, your time. Fax: 1 877 683-1686 Resolve NSDL |
National Student Loan Service CentreFor inquiries about your Canada Student Loan account and repayment assistance programs. |
All Canada Student Loans National Student Loans Service Centre Toll-Free in North America: 1-888-815-4514 National Student Loans Service Centre |