This student category includes students who are legally married and students living common-law (including in a same sex relationship), regardless of whether there are children in the home. Make sure that this is the correct student status for you before you apply by learning about the student assistance criteria for common-law relationships.
The application process is the same for married/common-law students as it is for other students, except that we will also consider your spouse's income to determine a spouse's contribution amount.
If your spouse is a full-time student
If your spouse is also a full-time student during the same study period his/her financial contribution to your school expenses is calculated using the same information as your own contribution. The information we use is your pre-study period and your study-period income.
If your spouse is not a full-time student, but is employed
If the spouse is not a full-time student, a minimum contribution is assessed. An additional contribution is also assessed if the spouse’s income is greater than minimum wage.
If your spouse is unemployed
If the spouse is unable to work because s/he is caring for dependent children or s/he is ill, no minimum contribution is assessed. In that case, the contribution is 70% of their actual total income after income tax has been deducted (i.e. their "net income").
If the relationship ends
If your marriage or common-law relationship ends, your student category will become either Single Independent Student or Single Parent Student. This change in status is made on the 91st day after the separation but is backdated to the date the relationship ended. You will need to provide proof that the relationship has ended.