Do you qualify to receive funding?
There are a number of criteria you must meet in order to become and remain eligible to receive student financial assistance in Nova Scotia for Full-Time Studies. (The qualifications for Part-Time Student Assistance are slightly different.) 
- You must be either a Canadian citizen, a Landed Immigrant, or a Protected Person.
- If you are a Landed Immigrant, and applying for the first time, you will be required to submit a copy of your Permanent Resident Form with your application.
- All applicants need a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to apply.
- You must meet the definition of a Full-Time Student.
- You must be a Nova Scotia resident.
- Students applying for funding for Part-Time Studies may be a resident of any province.
- You can only apply for a Student Loan to attend Designated Programs. These are approved, full-time programs that lead to a degree, diploma or certificate that has been designated as one where you can use Student Assistance funding.
- Any previous student loans must be in good standing (i.e. you must not have defaulted on a previous student loan).
- You must maintain a satisfactory scholastic standard while you study.
- University and Community College students – must pass at least 60% of a full course load each study period.
- Students with a disability must pass 40% of a full course load.
- To be eligible to receive Nova Scotia student assistance a student must be eligible to receive Canada Students loans and grants.