Forest Resource Analysis


The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources develops and maintains a diverse range of forest resource analysis capabilities to assist the Department in understanding and addressing various aspects of it's mandate. Under the direction of the forest management planning section, some of the key roles of the resource analysis group include:

  • Preparation of Provincial Wood Supply Forecasts
  • Development and Maintenance of a Crown Lands Forest Modeling System
  • Support for Forest Policy Development

Recent Forest Resource Analysis Projects:

  • Forest Carbon Accounting
  • Forest Biomass Harvesting
  • Linkage of Forest Planning Levels (Provincial & Regional)
  • Climate Change Adaptation

News and Current Information:

  • New ecosystem based management approach being tested within the Crown Lands Forest Modeling (CLFM) environment in concert with other forest values
  • Through an industry and university partnership a new system is under development for forecasting the growth and developemnt of forests in Nova Scotia
  • A reassement of provincial wood supply is scheduled to be completed in 2010
  • Crown Lands Forest Model (CLFM) analysis capibilities being expanded to include forest carbon and biomass characteristics