Forests play a vital role in our province. They provide fresh air, food, medicine, timber for construction, fuel wood for heat, jobs for rural communities, recreational opportunities, and much more. In Nova Scotia, about 70% of forested lands are under private ownership. The forestry sector employs about 13,000 people in Nova Scotia and contributes significantly to our national economy.
Knowing the characteristics of trees may help us understand how to take care and use the forestry resources wisely for the benefits of present and future generations. It is the intent of this guide to introduce the student/reader to most tree species found in the Acadian Forest.
The following interactive guide includes most of the Acadian Forest's commercial tree species. There are far too many other non-commercial species to cover in this presentation. Please refer to the books listed on the following page for more information.
PDF of Trees of the Acadian Forest (10 meg. dowload)