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Crossbow Safety Tips
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Crossbow Safety Tips
Read your owner’s manual before operating your crossbow, as each crossbow’s operating instructions can be different.
Always follow manufacturers directions with regards to loading and or unloading your crossbow.
Always ensure that the safety is engaged upon cocking and do not release until ready to shoot.
Always remove the bolt when manually de-cocking the crossbow.
For those crossbows which must discharge a bolt to disarm , do so in a safe manner.
For those crossbows which can be manually unloaded or de-cocked ensure that your foot is securely planted in the stirrup before de-cocking the crossbow.
Ensure that fingers and thumb are placed in a safe area when holding or shooting a crossbow. (Check manufacturers recommended holding grip to avoid personal injury)
Keep in mind any obstructions which may impede crossbow limbs when firing the bow during hunting and or practice.
Never dry fire your crossbow (do not shoot or pull the trigger without having a bolt in place).
Do not load or cock a crossbow while in a tree stand.
When hunting from a tree stand, remember to unload the crossbow before raising it up or lowering it down from the platform.
Visually inspect your crossbow and accessories to ensure that everything is in good working order before hunting or target shooting.