Some FAQ's about Hunter Education in Nova Scotia

  1. What must I do as a new hunter to hunt in Nova Scotia?
  2. How old do I have to be to take the Hunter Education Course?
  3. How old do I have to be to take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course?
  4. How do I register for the Canadian Firearms Safety Course?
  5. How do I register for the N. S. Hunter Education Course?
  6. How much does it cost to take these courses?
  7. If I have just moved into the province of Nova Scotia and have taken a hunter education course elsewhere, what do I have to do?
  8. Who do I contact, if I have questions regarding course content?

Question 1: What must I do as a new hunter to hunt in Nova Scotia?

  • Complete and pass the Canadian Firearms Safety Course
  • Complete and pass the Nova Scotia Hunter Education course. If under the age of 18, obtain a Federal Minors Firearm License 1-800-731-4000(Ext.6505). For more information click here.
  • Purchase your hunting license (available from any vendor )
PLEASE NOTE: if you are a minor a parent or guardian must accompany you to purchase your license.

Question 2: How old do I have to be to take the Hunter Education course?

You must be at least 12 years of age.

Question 3: How old do I have to be to take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course?

It is recommended that you are 12 years of age (or older).

Question 4: How do I register for the Canadian Firearms Safety Course?

Click here to read more information on how to register for the course.

Question 5: How do I register for the N.S. Hunter Education Course?

Click here to read more information on how to register for the course.

Question 6: How much does it cost to take the hunter education courses?

  • $30.00 + HST to register for the N. S. Hunter Education Course
  • $40.00 + HST to register for the NS Furharvester Education Course
  • $40.00 + HST to register for the NS Bow Hunter Education
  • $29.95 + HST to register for the Crossbow Hunter Education

Question 7: If I have just moved into the province of Nova Scotia and have taken a hunter education course elsewhere, what do I have to do?

Residents who have just moved into the province are required to provide proof of having successfully completed a NS NR&R recognized Hunter/Trapper/Bow/Crossbow Education Course (in another province, state or country) or proof satisfactory to the Department that s/he is entitled to hunt with a firearm, bow, or crossbow and provide proof of residency before being issued a resident Wildlife Resources Card.  Forward copies of the appropriate certificate(s) to the Hunter Education Coordinator by scanning and emailing to:; faxing to: 902-424-7735; or mailing to: Hunter Education Coordinator, Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 698, Halifax, N.S. B3J 2T9.

For more information for Resident Hunters click here.

Question 8: Who do I contact if I have questions regarding hunter education?

Any questions may be directed to the NSNR&R Hunter Education Coordinator.