Guide Training Requirements

2 huntersAs of January 2013, persons wishing to become a guide in Nova Scotia now have two options to receive the necessary certification.

  1. In a classroom setting with a certificated guide instructor
  2. emerit National Certification via self directed home study. Training materials are available.


Please contact one of the certified instructors provided at the link. Course fees are determined by the instructor. Hunting guide and fishing guide courses must be a minimum of 20 hours each. Combined they can be done in 30 hours.

List of Certified Guide Instructors

Upcoming Guide Courses

Application to become a Certified Guide (PDF)

For more information regarding the emerit National Certification, please visit

emerit National Certification is recognized across Canada as the pinnacle achievement for tourism professionalism in their occupation. Certification is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated that they meet or exceed the National Occupational Standards as developed by experienced hunting guides from across Canada. Each successful candidate will earn the Tourism Certified Professional (TCP) designation which is a mark of excellence.

To register or inquire about National Certification contact:
Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council
Certification Coordinator
2089 Maitland Street, Halifax, NS B3K 2Z8

(902) 422-5853 or (902) 496-7476

Process and Requirements

Written Test: The knowledge examination has 125 multiple choice questions based on the Hunting Guide National Occupational Standards. This examination is available across Nova Scotia at a day, time and location that is convenient for the registered candidate.

Experience: The required experience is 40 field days. This can be a combination of hunting in the field, volunteer or paid outdoor guiding activity over a minimum period of two years. For clarification please contact the Certification Coordinator at (902) 496-7476.

Safety Certificates: Each candidate must have a current certificate for Standard First Aid/ Basic CPR, Federal Possession and Acquisition Licence and a Nova Scotia Wildlife Resources Card with a hunting certification on it (HQ or HT)

For further details contact the Certification Coordinator directly at: (902) 496-7476.