The Department of Natural Resources and Renewables is interested in any observations of plants, animals and habitats that are rare in number or vulnerable to disturbance. These would include such things as locations of rare plants and animals, bat hibernating sites, hawk nests, deer wintering areas, rivers with important fish runs, islands with significant colonies of nesting birds, or areas where large congregations of wildlife occur. We keep these reports in a database that is linked to a computer mapping system. The system alerts Department staff when some activity, like road construction, forest harvesting or pipeline construction, is planned for a sensitive area. By making people aware of these habitats, we ensure conservation of vulnerable wildlife species.
Information for the database comes from Department staff, other government departments and members of the public interested in the conservation of significant habitats. You can report information by completing one of the forms below. Your information will be sent to the local regional biologist, and kept confidential. It will be shared only on a "need to know basis" and usually after consulting with the landowner and the person who reported the site.
If you would like further information on the significant wildlife habitat and species database, contact your local NR&R regional biologist or contact the Habitats Program.
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Sightings Forms
Significant Species and Habitat Reporting Form
To move from box to box within the form you may move the cursor by clicking on the desired box or using the Tab key. Do not use the enter key as it will send your report before it has been completed.