The Student Assistance program offers more flexible limits for students with a disability who might have trouble completing their school program within traditional timelines. It also offers extra funding to students who might have exceptional expenses related to their disability. Keep reading to learn:
You can qualify for funding for full-time study with a smaller, more manageable course load. A student with a disability is considered full-time if they are taking 40% or more of a full course load.
You may qualify for extra funding that is specifically designed to help you pay for exceptional expenses related to your disability, such as transportation, specialized equipment, specialized textbooks, learning support services, and more.
We partner with Post-Secondary Accessibility Services to help you access disability-related resources that can help you succeed at school.
If you plan to apply as a student with a disability, there are several important things you should know before you apply.
Even if you don't think you'll have enough calculated financial need to qualify for a large amount of student loan and grant funding, consider applying anyway. This could give you access to grant money to help you pay for equipment and services that can help you succeed.
Our partner organization, Post-Secondary Accessibility Services, can answer your questions about which disabilities qualify as a disability under the government student financial assistance definition. Contact them for more information about eligibility.
They can also help you navigate the process of documenting your disability and access the disability-related funding, services and equipment you may require.
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