Background & History
The Endangered Species Act is one of the first provincial endangered species acts in Canada. The act protects species in Nova Scotia that have been assessed and determined to be at risk of extinction. There are over 20 species at risk.
The act prohibits the killing or disturbing species at risk, destroying or disturbing its residence and destroying or disturbing of core habitat. Penalties (for individuals and corporations) can be incurred when the act is violated.
Contact us for more information on the Endangered Species Act.
Species Assessment Process
Species listed under the NS Endangered Species Act are listed by the NS Species at Risk Working Group which consists of at least five academic biologists who, independent of government, scientifically evaluate the status of species. The NS Species at Risk Working Group status is assigned based on an assessment of biological factors and rigorous assessment criteria, followed by classification into categories (see categories below) based on level of risk. Species listed as at risk are then approved by the responsible minister and are included on the list of species at risk in NS and are then protected under the provincial NS Endangered Species Act. There are currently 24 species at risk in NS: view legally listed species at risk.
NS Endangered Species Working Group - NS Endangered Species Act
Species listed as at risk by the NS Endangered Species Working Group are approved by the responsible minister and are included on the list of species at risk in NS and are then protected under the provincial NS Endangered Species Act.
The status assigned by the NS Endangered Species Working Group is based on an assessment of biological factors and rigorous assessment criteria, followed by classification into categories based on level of risk. Status categories are as follows:
COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) - Species at Risk Act
Species listed as at risk by COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) are approved by the appropriate minister and are included on the Schedule 1 which means they are protected under the national Species at Risk Act (SARA).
The COSEWIC status is assigned based on an assessment of biological factors and rigorous assessment criteria, followed by classification into categories based on level of risk. Status categories are as follows:
General Status
For more detailed information on the General Status assessment process please visit the General Status web page.
The Nova Scotia General Status Rankings are based on a set of criteria that are evaluated by a group of scientists and wildlife experts. NS General Status ranks are as follows: