Habitat Conservation Fund - priority activities


The Habitat Conservation Fund’s goal is to conserve Nova Scotia’s wildlife habitats by focusing on priority activities within 4 objectives.

  1. Enhancement of wildlife and wildlife habitats

    Priority activities for enhancement of wildlife and wildlife habitats include:

    • conservation of wildlife habitat as functioning components of ecosystems to maintain the biological diversity of native species
    • incorporation of wildlife habitat objectives into rural and municipal planning and development
    • increasing the quality and quantity of urban wildlife habitat
    • including wildlife habitat within farmland or private woodlots
    • habitat restoration, enhancement and management
  2. Land acquisition

    Priority activities for land acquisition include:

    • conservation of critical, unique or high value wildlife habitat through purchase or easement
    • acquisition for the maintenance and management of a wildlife population or habitat
  3. Research on wildlife habitats

    Priority activities for research on wildlife habitats include:

    • alternative methods and approaches to resource development to ensure the long-term sustainability of wildlife habitat
    • innovative and practical research on habitat and wildlife conservation
    • projects that critique provincial, national and international policies impacting wildlife and habitats in Nova Scotia
    • design of habitat-related and ecological indicators to monitor the health of habitats and landscapes
  4. Education on wildlife habitats

    Priority activities for education on wildlife habitats include:

    • programs that develop an awareness and appreciation among children and young adults of the importance of wildlife habitat
    • programs that develop an appreciation and understanding of habitat conservation issues among the public and within industry
    • programs that encourage private landowners to partner and co-operate in managing wildlife habitat
    • education about conservation, ethical use of natural resources, and hunting and trapping as an important management tool and recreational activity

The fund does not support:

  • habitat inventories
  • tree planting programs (unless a minor part of a broader habitat conservation project)
  • fisheries management projects
  • projects which are a provincial or federal management responsibility
  • capital costs associated with projects (like computers, tablets or phones), buildings, engineering works, or motorized vehicle acquisition and electronic equipment (like computers, tablets or phones)
  • requests that indicate that the fund is being relied upon as ongoing core funding for a program or organization

Materials that are indispensable to project delivery (like trail cameras for studies or educational trailers for mobile displays) may be considered. If you are not sure if an item can be supported by the fund, please contact the Wildlife Division.

Department of Natural Resources and Renewables Wildlife Division 136 Exhibition Street Kentville, Nova Scotia B4N 4E5

Phone: 902-679-6091 Fax: 902-679-6176