Wildlife Habitat and Watercourses Protection Regulations

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Wildlife Habitats and Watercourses Protection Regulation
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arial viewThese regulations came into effect on January 14, 2002. They are designed to protect water quality and to maintain various elements of wildlife habitat on all forest harvest sites. These new laws are mandatory on all lands; private, industrial and Crown.

Responding to requests from the forest industry, the government made certain elements of the 1989 Forest/Wildlife Guidelines and Standards into law. Buffer zones on most watercourses and wetlands, clumps of living trees and abundant coarse woody debris are now required within all harvested areas

The Department of Natural Resources and Renewables is working with industry and landowners to explain the new requirements in detail and to discuss other ways to maintain or enhance wildlife habitat on their woodlands. For more information, contact your local office of the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables.