The Nova Scotia Formulary details which drugs and devices are benefits under the Pharmacare Programs.
To perform a basic search for specific text in the Formulary:
You can view and search for specific text in the current Formulary in PDF format here. It is updated monthly.
You can view our Criteria for Coverage of Exception Status Drugs and access our Forms for Exception Status Drug Requests.
Go to Exception Status Drugs page
Download Excel Format of Formulary for Vendors here. It is updated monthly.
All medications in the Formulary are classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System which groups chemically similar products according to their site of action and facilitates the comparison of new medicines with previously available medicines. The Formulary also provides:
Please Note: The information contained in the Formulary requires knowledge to properly interpret and is intended primarily for use by physicians, pharmacists, and other health care practitioners involved in the prescribing, dispensing, and administration of pharmaceuticals.