The mission of the Drug Evaluation Alliance of Nova Scotia (DEANS) is to contribute to the health of Nova Scotians by encouraging appropriate drug use. To accomplish this, DEANS will contribute to:
Given the vast number of critical drug care issues which could potentially be identified, the DEANS Management Committee relies on the following criteria as a guide to prioritizing issues:
Recognizing its ultimate goal is to influence local behaviour, DEANS will, whenever possible, preferentially establish contracts with Nova Scotian-based resources.
Although the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness is the primary funder for DEANS, external funding may be sought for special projects. The quality and character of the relationship between DEANS and its funders must be collaborative but must not compromise the process of impartial research. Cognizant of the potential hazards of funding relationships, the Management Committee is responsible for ensuring the research and information agenda of DEANS is needs driven, based on relevance to encouraging appropriate drug use in Nova Scotia.
As a result, all contracted resources are required to establish policies and guidelines which govern their relationship with external funders and reflect the philosophy of DEANS. The DEANS Management Committee assumes the important task of managing potential conflicts.
In the development phase, DEANS was overseen by a Steering Committee with representatives from the Department of Health and Wellness, Continuing Medical Education at Dalhousie University, the College of Pharmacy at Dalhousie University and the Drug Information Centre at the QEII Health Sciences Centre. When the development phase was completed, the Steering Committee was replaced by a Management Committee which is accountable to the Minister of Health and Wellness for DEANS.
The Management Committee consists of individuals and/or designates with expertise in developing, implementing, and evaluating resources to align with the mission of DEANS in the area of:
Depending on resource needs, other members may be added at any time.
Members of the Management Committee are appointed by the Department of Health and Wellness (DHW) and by the current Management Committee as needed. The Manager of Drug Technology Assessment and other representatives from Benefits Programs at the DHW hold ex-officio status. Committee members are required to sign a Department of Health and Wellness Code of Conduct form.
The Manager of Drug Technology Assessment functions as the Committee's secretariat. The Management Committee selects its own Chair. The Chair generally serves for two years.
The Management Committee:
Meetings are called at the discretion of the Chair, generally every month (with the exception of July and August). Agenda and background materials are sent to Committee members in advance of the meeting.
Committee members must declare any real or perceived conflict of interest. In situations where a real or perceived conflict of interest arises in the course of the Committee's work, members must declare its existence and other members of the Committee will take such conflict into consideration during the decision-making process. Depending on the nature of the conflict, the member may be asked to disqualify themselves from participation in discussion or, depending on the situation, from membership on the Committee.
Reporting Requirements:
The Management Committee provides input into an annual report that is submitted to the Minister of Health and Wellness and stakeholders. The Chair of the Management Committee maintains regular, informal rapport with the Department of Health and Wellness.
Much of the success of DEANS is due to its ability to build a framework of key partnerships and to engage these partners in the implementation and evaluation of initiatives. Some current partnerships include the Dalhousie Academic Detailing Service, Nova Scotia Health Drug Evaluation Unit, Academic Family Medicine, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), the Nova Scotia Prescription Monitoring Program (NS PMP), Non-Insured Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit (NIHB), Dalhousie College of Pharmacy, and the Dalhousie Department of Medicine.