The Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness (DHW) is committed to providing financial assistance to eligible Nova Scotian cancer patients through programs like the Boarding, Transportation and Ostomy (BTO) Program, the Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients Program (DACP) and the Wig Program.
The Boarding, Transportation, and Ostomy Program is a provincial program that helps eligible Nova Scotia residents undergoing cancer treatment with assistance for costs related to boarding, transportation, and ostomy supply needs.
Boarding cost assistance is considered for residents who must travel more than 50 km one-way from their home to the treatment centre.
Transportation cost assistance is considered, at 58.38 ¢ per km, for residents who use a personal vehicle to travel between their home and the treatment centre. The mileage reimbursement rate changes annually effective 1 April. The program will also cover the cost for patients using a bus, shuttle, or community transportation service.
The program may cover the boarding and/or transportation costs for a travel escort, who, in the opinion of the patient’s physician and verified by the program administrator, is considered essential. Travel escort costs must be pre-approved by the program administrator.
You may apply if you are actively receiving treatment for cancer at a treatment centre and:
The Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients Program is a provincial drug insurance plan designed to help Nova Scotians with the cost of certain cancer-related drugs and supplies. The program is designed to assist low-income Nova Scotians who do not have drug coverage.
The Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients Program pays for drugs and devices which are indicated as benefits in the Nova Scotia Formulary.
A committee of experts keeps the benefit list updated based on the latest evidence. Some medications are considered exception status drugs and require a prescriber’s request for approval before the drug is paid for by the program. Other drugs or therapies, that are directly related to a patient’s cancer therapy, can be considered by the Pharmacare Office upon receipt of a written request from the prescriber. Prescriptions must be filled by a Nova Scotia pharmacy to be covered by the program.
Learn more: Benefits and Reimbursement
Once you join the Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients program, you will get your medication by taking your prescription to the pharmacy where you must show your Nova Scotia Health Card. If the drug or device is covered by Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients, the cost of the prescription is billed directly to Pharmacare.
If you forget your Nova Scotia Health Card, you will have to pay for the prescription at the pharmacy. You may submit your receipt for reimbursement consideration for the portion that would have been paid by the program.
If you plan to travel outside the province, you must make sure you have enough medication and supplies for your trip. We recommend you purchase health insurance before you depart. The Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients Program will not pay for prescriptions filled in a pharmacy outside Nova Scotia. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis. For prescriptions filled outside of Canada, there is no reimbursement, emergency or otherwise.
You may apply if you have been diagnosed with cancer and:
Once approved, patients do not pay for the drugs and devices which are benefits of the Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients Program.
The Wig Program helps Nova Scotians with the purchase of a wig. The program is designed to assist low-income Nova Scotians who do not have existing coverage for a wig.
Residents will be reimbursed up to $300 for the one-time purchase of a wig. If the first wig was less than $300, residents cannot apply the difference towards another wig. Wig accessories (like caps and adhesives) are not eligible for reimbursement.
The wig can be purchased from anywhere, including online and does not need to be through a specific provider or physical store. Residents do not need to be assessed by a proper wig fitter.
The original receipt with purchase details is required. A credit and debit card statements are not sufficient for reimbursement.
You must submit your original receipt (cash register receipts are not acceptable) along with the Wig Claim Form (PDF) to make sure there are no delays in your reimbursement. You can submit your claim via mail, email, and fax. There is no direct deposit option, and you will be mailed a cheque.
Make sure the program always has your current and correct address on file to reduce delays in getting reimbursed.
You may apply if you have been diagnosed with cancer, and:
Drug Assistance for Cancer Patients Program
Boarding, Transportation and Ostomy Program
Wig Program
Phone: 902-496-7011
Toll-free (within Nova Scotia): 1-888-894-5353
Fax: 902-490-2275
Mailing address: PO Box 500, Halifax, NS B3J 2S1
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm