Section 66 of the Occupational Health and
Safety Act states as follows:
Power to require code of practice:
(1) The Director may, in writing, require an employer to
establish a code of practice or adopt a code of practice specified by the Director.
(2) A code of practice established or adopted pursuant to
subsection (1) may be revised or required to be revised from time to time by the Director.
In general terms, when ordered under
Section 66, a code of practice should include the following items:
- A description of the project/work
- An analysis of the project/work from a health and safety
- A description of the person power, equipment and materials
to be used
- A step by step description of the work procedures that will
be used
- Information on the control measures that will be used
- Information on the safety measures that will be used
- A description of the responsibilities of the various
workplace parties as they relate to the health and safety of the project/work
- If explosives are to be used, the background, certification
level and experience of all parties involved with explosives
- Notifications proposed
- Contingency plan
- Where there are other parties at the workplace, an
indication that the other parties are aware of any health and safety impacts the
project/work may have on them and that the other parties have no objection to the
project/work proceeding
- Any other information that is relevant to the healthful and
safe performance of the project/work
The Department of Labour reserves the right to add to
these requirements when the nature of the project/work so requires.