The Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration, Safety Branch sponsors Occupational health and safety courses through the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).
Nova Scotians can take up to 5 courses each year for free. You don’t need to take all 5 at once.
You can register for courses on the CCOHS Nova Scotia OHS Training site.
If you’re already registered, you can log in to CCOHS to take or review courses.
CCOHS also offers a number of free courses with no sign-up limitations and do not count toward your 5 courses per year limit. They can be found here.
Psychological Health and Violence and Harassment in the Workplace training and resources for free can be found on NovaSAFE located here.
The Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration, Safety Branch also works with SkillsOnlineNS (SkillsPass) to offer additional Occupational health and safety courses for free to Nova Scotians.
You can register for courses on the SkillsOnlineNS Training site.
You will find OHS courses from our Department such as:
Other workplace courses available: